Safe Routes to School Wake County

safe routes banner

Safe Routes to School is an international movement to make it safe, easy and fun for students to walk, bike and roll to and from school. Our program strives to enhance children’s health and well-being and improve the daily life of all members of our community.

The six E's of Safe Routes to School encompass the key components of our program:

  • Engagement 
  • Equity 
  • Engineering 
  • Encouragement 
  • Education
  • Evaluation

Safe Routes Wake County Programming

Walk, Bike & Roll to School Days

​​​​​​​Occurring every October and May, these events encourage students, families and communities to walk or bike to school instead of driving. It’s a fun way to promote physical activity, reduce traffic and improve air quality.

Traffic Gardens

Traffic gardens are scaled-down streetscapes designed to let children explore transportation infrastructure at their level. These interactive environments use play-based learning for children and families to practice traffic safety skills in a controlled setting. These spaces can be temporary, such as pop-up events or permanent installations for communities to enjoy whenever they want.

Watch our short video to learn more about the power of traffic gardens as a fun way to provide important safety education.

Biking and Walking in the Classroom

All Kids Bike

The Learn-to-Ride Program, developed by All Kids Bike, equips school with everything necessary to teach Kindergarten and First Grade students how to ride a bike during their PE classes. Safe Routes to School is proud to have introduced this fantastic program to the following Wake County schools:

  • Conn Magnet Elementary
  • Millbrook Magnet Elementary
  • Powell Magnet Elementary
  • Southeast Raleigh Elementary

Walk Across NC

A fun, classroom activity where students learn about North Carolina landmarks as they record their miles walked each day. Safe Routes to School can provide schools with pedometers and maps; students and teachers handle the rest!

Let's Go NC! Curriculum

Let’s Go NC! is a comprehensive pedestrian and bicycle safety curriculum designed by NCDOT for elementary and middle school students in North Carolina.

NCDOT: Integrated Mobility Division - Let's Go NC! 

Learn to Ride Events

These one-day community events are designed for all ages, providing a fun and supportive environment to learn how to ride a bicycle

School Safety Audits

Safety audits are systematic assessments of the walking environments around schools. They can identify potential hazards and safety issues that may affect active transportation.

School Awards Program

Coming soon!

Contact Us

Questions? Contact Safe Routes to School Coordinators:
Kathleen Callahan 
Dylan Mathews