Wake County recycling facility summer tours open to residents

Sign-ups now open for behind-the-scenes look at recycling process

Wake County residents are invited to sign up for the next two tours of the Sonoco Recycling Facility in east Raleigh to get a behind-the-scenes look at the recycling process, get their recycling questions answered and get some free swag.

“Recycling can be easy when we have more knowledge of the process, and these tours are an excellent an opportunity for us to deepen our understanding,” said Wake County Commissioner Don Mial.

On Sept. 9, from 10–11 a.m., an all-ages presentation will be held in the Sonoco education room. The presentation will cover the steps in the sorting process and be followed by a conversation about which items are recyclable and which are not. Seating is limited.

On Sept. 10, from 10:30–11:30 a.m., a Sonoco floor tour is offered to residents ages 18 and older. Visitors will be guided around the facility’s sorting floor for an up-close view of the process before heading to the education room for a Q&A session.

The Sonoco Recycling Facility tours are intended to encourage the community to recycle the right kinds of plastic, paper, metal and glass. Plastics are one of the materials people often have the most questions about. Improper recycling, also known as contamination or “wishcycling,” continues to be a major problem in Wake County’s facilities.

All attendees will receive a free reusable bag. All visitors must be able to climb stairs and walk through tight spaces. Those interested must register in advance by contacting Chelsea Arey at chelsea.arey@wake.gov. Residents can also learn more about proper recycling by visiting wake.gov/recycling101.

Press Release