The Wake County Animal Center will eliminate all adoption fees on Saturday, Aug. 27, as part of the national Clear the Shelters effort to find caring homes for pets.
“We’ll still be ensuring we make the perfect fit for you and your new pet, but for eight hours on Saturday, we’re eliminating all adoption fees to hopefully help clear our shelter,” Wake County Commissioner Maria Cervania said. “We hope our community will join us for this event. We’re here to pair you with your best friend.”
To give the community plenty of time to find a pet, the animal center will open for two extra hours from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Aug. 27.
Currently, there are 63 dogs, 19 cats, 27 kittens and one rabbit waiting to be adopted. The shelter has capacity for 75 dogs, and new pets come to the shelter every day. In June and July alone, the Wake County Animal Center took in 1,631 animals.
“It’s a perfect opportunity if you have been considering adding a furry friend to your family, and the extra capacity helps keep operations running smoothly at our center,” Wake County Commissioner Vickie Adamson said.
Ordinarily, adoption fees are $95 for dogs, $45 for cats under 5 years old, and $15 for cats older than 5. All animals adopted from the center are spayed or neutered and microchipped prior to going home with their new family. On Aug. 27, all fees will be waived.
Some dogs that come to our shelter test positive for heartworm, which is a preventable and treatable condition. To help keep these great pets from being passed over for adoption, Friends of Wake County Animal Center is providing a $350 sponsorship through their Heal a Heart Program to help pay for the medicine needed. Be sure to ask for more information at the center!
“Animal shelters across the country are at, or near, capacity, including us, so we really need the community’s assistance to adopt, foster or volunteer to save these homeless pets,” said Dr. Jennifer Federico, director of the Wake County Animal Center. “We see more animals coming in than going out!”
Can’t wait until August 27? Adopt NOW! Check out our adoption gallery or come by and see the sweet faces for yourself! The shelter is open for adoptions daily from noon to 6 p.m., seven days a week. The Wake County Animal Center is located at 820 Beacon Lake Drive, near the intersection of I-440 and New Bern Avenue in Raleigh.
The Wake County Animal Center is the only open admission shelter in Wake County that never turns away animals, including stray, abandoned and surrendered pets. The shelter treats and re-homes thousands of homeless animals every year.