Real Estate Property Data Files

Download ownership, sale information and property details for all Wake County Real Estate parcels.

Ownership, sale information and property detail for all Wake County real estate parcels is available for download. The data files are refreshed daily and reflect property values as of the most recent countywide reappraisal. 

The full Wake County real estate file is available in the following formats:




Due to the size of the data file, it is recommended that you save the file to your device rather than directly opening from the site. 

The Code Description list will assist in helping define the data displayed in the fields.

When working with the text file format, use the Record Layout to identify the starting position and name of each data field.

The files above reflect data for the revaluation that was effective January 1, 2024. For comparison purposes, a file with pre-revaluation data is available in spreadsheet format: Real_Estate_Data_Final_Dec2023.xlsx

Residential Single Family Real Estate Data:

The following Excel spreadsheets contain property values for Single Family Homes only. 

2024_Residential_Report.xlsx (data as of 5/22/2024)

2023_Residential_Report.xlsx (data as of 3/1/2023)

Qualified Sales Data:

The following Excel spreadsheet is a list of qualified sales occurring in the past 24 months.  A qualified sale is one which has been reviewed by a Tax Administration appraiser and is indicative of an arms-length transaction.  Disqualified sales are not representative of the market; examples include foreclosures, sales between related parties, or sales of partial interest in a property.  All data fields that do not include “sale” reflect current characteristics of the property in Wake County’s Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) system.  This report is updated daily.
