Minor and Minor - Limited Subdivisions

Minor and Minor Limited subdivisions go through a one-step review process. We strongly recommend anyone seeking approval of these types of subdivisions first contact Subdivision Administration staff, who will explain the review process and applicable requirements and standards.

What is a subdivision?

site plan showing residential lots
subdivision is any division of property

The term "subdivision" generally refers to any division of a parcel of land for the purpose of sale or building development (whether such sale or development is immediate or future).

What is a Minor-Limited Subdivision?

Minor-Limited Subdivision is the division of a tract or parcel of land in single ownership if all the following criteria are met:

  • The land being divided is in single ownership.
  • The tract or parcel to be divided is not exempted under 19-30-2(B).
  • No part of the tract or parcel to be divided has been divided as a Minor-Limited in the 10 years prior to division.
  • The entire area of the tract or parcel to be divided is greater than five acres.
  • After division, no more than three lots result from the division.
  • After division, all resultant lots comply with all of the following:
    • Any lot size requirements of the applicable land-use regulations, if any.
    • The use of the lots is in conformity with the applicable zoning requirements.
    • A permanent means of ingress and egress is recorded for each lot.


What is a Minor Subdivision?

Minor Subdivision is any subdivision of a parcel that creates no more than three lots with access to a private or public road that:

  • Creates no more than three lots with direct access to a new, existing or extended private road or to an existing public road;
  • Does not involve any new public road;
  • Does not involve the extension of public wastewater or water lines;
  • Does not landlock or prevent development of the remainder of the parcel or abutting property;
  • Does not create any new or residual parcels that do not comply with the requirements of this ordinance or other applicable state or local regulations;
  • Is not located, wholly or substantially, in a flood hazard area; and
  • Includes a total of no more than five lots being created with the combination of two minors or a combination of one minor and/or one minor-limited of a parent tract within five years.


Subdivision process



Applicant submits a Minor or Minor-Limited Subdivision application and applicable fee through the Permit Portal.

Minor and Minor-Limited Subdivision Checklist

Minor and Minor-Limited plat review fee is $200, payable when the application is submitted.



The subdivision request is reviewed for compliance with State statutes and applicable regulations and comments sent to applicant.


Final Mylar Review

The applicant submits the final subdivision plat (i.e., mylars) with all applicable comments addressed to be reviewed and approved by staff.



The approved final subdivision plat (i.e., mylars) are taken to the Register of Deeds to be recorded by the applicant.