Warmth for Wake

Woman sitting in front of a lit fireplace.

Warmth for Wake is a seasonal energy assistance outreach program that is sponsored by Wake County Health & Human Services. The project begins in October and ends in March of each year. 

The goal of the program is to provide fuel to low-income residents of Wake County during the coldest winter months. 

Learn about what assistance is available to those in need, and how to volunteer or donate to support this program.  

Volunteer or Donate to the Warmth for Wake program

Volunteer for Warmth for Wake

With the commitment of a strong volunteer base, Warmth for Wake is able to provide free deliveries of firewood to homes that can use it to offset their gas or electric heat consumption. 

Volunteers work to cut, split and deliver donated wood every other Saturday morning from October through March. 

Volunteers are always needed for this project. The minimum age to volunteer for this project is 15. If you have a truck or trailer, or can supply your own tools to help cut wood at our wood lots, please contact denise.kissel@wake.gov or 919-212-7083

Both individuals and groups are welcome to volunteer. Groups of 4 or more people should contact the project coordinators in advance to reserve a work session. 

Donate Firewood, Tools or Equipment

We are currently accepting limited donations of wood, when it is delivered to our work site at the City of Raleigh Yard Waste Center.   

Donors must contact Warmth for Wake prior to delivery in order to receive a permission slip. 

 Additionally, donated wood must meet the following criteria to be accepted: 

  • logs must originate from within a 50-mile radius of Raleigh (to reduce the spread of disease and pests) 
  • logs can be mixed hardwoods and/or softwoods, but NO pine is accepted 
  • logs must be a maximum of 6 feet in length 
  • logs must be a maximum of 24" inches in diameter 

Logs brought to the Yard Waste Center that do not meet the donation criteria may be refused or subject to the city's current disposal fees.  Visit the City of Raleigh’s Yard Waste Center web page for hours, location and fees. 

Please note:  we are not able to pick up wood donations or work off site to cut down or split logs that are located on private property. 

Equipment Donations

To continue meeting rising demand for our service, Warmth for Wake will gladly accept the in-kind donation of chain saws, axes, mauls, hydraulic splitters and a wheelbarrow to our program. Financial donations for this purpose are also welcome.  

Donate a space heater

Warmth for Wake welcomes donations of new and gently used electric space heaters for distribution to eligible families. 

Please note:  we do not accept donations of kerosene heaters or fuel.

Make a financial donation

All funds raised through this program go directly to families in need, and NO administrative costs are deducted from the proceeds. 

Financial contributions can be made online or mailed in.
Online Donation

* select Warmth for Wake on the "types of donations" menu

Mail to:
Wake County Health & Human Services 
Warmth for Wake Program
4401 Bland Road (md 110) 
Raleigh, NC 27609 

Information about program partners

Warmth for Wake would not be possible without the continued dedication of our community partners.  

Get assistance through Warmth for Wake

Request firewood

With the commitment of a strong volunteer base, Warmth for Wake is able to provide free deliveries of firewood to homes that can use it to offset their gas or electric heat usage. 

A maximum of two cords per season is available to eligible households. 

Requests for a firewood delivery can be made by contacting your case manager, social worker or by contacting us directly through the information provided on this web page. 

Request an emergency space heater

Warmth for Wake provides new and gently used space heaters to households lacking another heat source. 

Requests for a space heater can be made by contacting your case manager, social worker, or by contacting us directly through the information provided on this web page. 

Please note:  Warmth for Wake does not provide kerosene heaters or fuel. 

Request financial assistance with your heating bills

Financial assistance to help with heating bills may be available during the winter months through the Crisis Intervention Program (CIP), or through the Low income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP).  Applications for financial assistance can be made through the Wake County Energy Assistance program. 

Contact Us

Phone:  919-212-7083 
Email: warmthforwake@wake.gov
Wake County Health & Human Services 
Warmth for Wake Program
4401 Bland Road (md 110) 
Raleigh, NC 27609